Why People Join Up

It goes without saying that we’re all unique and for each of our own unique needs and interests, there’s a unique solution.

But what keeps amazing us is that in the end, people who train with us--regardless of their particular situation--report the same benefits from the course.

Here’s what they say:

“The skills from this course can be applied to anything you want to focus on. And the skills apply for any age group, any gender, and any life or work situation.

“As somebody who works full-time and then some, what I really appreciated was the ability to do some self-paced work because it gave me the flexibility I need. But at the same time, the scheduled sessions kept me on track with the material. ”

“When I took the course, I was transitioning from a manager to a supervisor, and the training really helped me with that transition. Although the focus was on me and my own self-coaching, I also learned how to communicate with coworkers. It helped me a lot! This self-change process was awesome because it helps me make a lot of decisions as far as how to change and how to make the change stick.”

“In my team meetings that I do with staff, I actually used some of the journal questions to help them with their own self-reflection. It has helped them open up about their emotions and feelings, and also manage change better.”

“After taking the course I started not being so hyper-focused on problems for myself. I started tuning into the idea that we do have within us ways to tap back into those resiliency skills, traits, and strengths. Sometimes I’ll use the solution-focused languaging with myself, like, ‘What are my best hopes for this day today?’”

“Interacting with Glen and Deborah  in doing the practices and also interacting with other students in the course was very critical. In online courses you can sometimes have that disconnect, so having the opportunity to connect with them on a regular basis was really helpful to answer questions, to practice, to keep things moving forward, and to solidify what we’ve learned.”

“I loved the content and I liked hearing other student’s experiences. But what really made a difference for me was getting the one-on-one coaching. I’m the type of person who does best when I can get personalized attention and concentrate on building my skills and understanding in private sessions. So meeting with the group and getting my own one-on-one sessions turned out to be the best of both worlds for me.”

This is just a small sample but I hope it gives you a sense of why so many students consider Be Your Own Best Coach life changing.

Honestly, the course is just a starter step. The true benefit comes from when you see--in your own life and hear from others in the group--how much Be Your Own Best Coach can transform your life and the lives of others you care about.

>>>Enrollment closes in tomorrow, so sign up now.<<<

Glen & Deborah